Many do not know about the dangers of topical steroids. By “topical steroids”, I mean topical corticosteroids, either sold over the counter or by prescription. Topical steroids are prescribed to reduce skin inflammation and irritation in skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. Unfortunately they often have the opposite effect in the long run.
My past training is as a Medical Aesthetician, prior to studying homeopathy. I worked in “plastics” for 12 years, as in Plastic Surgery. As a medical aesthetician working in plastics, you see most of the skin conditions. Usually the doctor is busy with surgeries in that type of setting. Medical aestheticians have extensive training in skin care and skin conditions, so it is a perfect fit to have them handle those cases in a medical practice.
Fortunately I was trained very early on that topical steroid creams should be an absolute last resort and usually caused more harm than good. Sadly not many of those suffering with skin conditions like eczema get that kind of information up front. It’s often only learned after already using steroid creams for some time.
What are the dangers of topical steroids?
Drug tolerance, meaning more and more of the drug is needed to achieve previous benefits.
Rebounding of symptoms, meaning a worsening of symptoms when the drug is withdrawn, such as swelling, redness, burning, itching, cracking, oozing, extreme flaking and peeling.
Systemic side effects on the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal axis, such as adrenal insufficiency and adrenal gland atrophy.
Poor temperature regulation.
Enlarged lymph nodes.
Hair loss.
Unwanted hair growth.
Worsening eczema.
Thin, fragile skin.
And much more…
Here is a great video highlighting many of the things just covered.
What can be done to avoid the dangers of topical steroids?
First thing that can be done is don’t use them to begin with. I know it’s tempting. The thought of getting even temporary relief from your skin condition. But just imagine multiplying your suffering by 10… Is it worth it?
Find natural products to help your skin instead of ones containing drugs and chemicals. Choose petroleum free, petrochemical free, and paraben-free products. Preferably products with less than 10 ingredients, less than 5 being even better. When deciding on a skin care product, look them up on Skin Deep’s website. Find out if you really want to put them on your skin. Once you have a product that works don’t change it.
Change your diet. Avoid the top triggers for inflammatory skin conditions such as: dairy, wheat, eggs, soy, sugar, peanuts and corn. Commit to a healthy, natural diet, full of nutrient rich healing foods. Avoid processed foods and foods with chemicals. These only put more stress on your body. Watch your histamine intake. Histamine in the diet can increase itching and inflammation.
Schedule for a Free Consultation to find out how Homeopathy can help your skin heal, without drugs and chemicals.
What if I am already using topical steroids?
Educate yourself on the effects of topical steroids and how to recognize Topical Steroid Addiction and Topical Steroid Withdrawal.
Do not stop topical steroids cold turkey. These drugs do not just affect the skin, but they affect your body systemically and it can be dangerous to stop cold turkey.
Find a doctor educated in the dangers of Topical Steroids to help you withdraw safely.
Schedule in for a Free Consultation to find out how Homeopathy can help your body through the withdrawal process and stimulate your body to heal.
There are answers available for what is ailing your skin. Answers that do not include the dangers of topical steroids. Topical steroids are not “a necessary evil”, unlike what you may have been led to believe. Do not accept the statements “there is no treatment” and “you can only manage the symptoms with steroids”. I want you to know healthy skin is possible. It may be hard work and it most likely will not come overnight, but slowly and surely with diet, lifestyle changes, and homeopathy, things will improve.
This website does not provide medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor, or dial 911, or go to your nearest emergency room.